Luther are you okay I asked worriedly

yes am fine am just busy he said

is that the reason why you didn't join me for dinner I asked disappointedly

am sorry my love he apologized

it's fine but make sure to have dinner before going to bed

yes Mom he smiled before pulling me to his laps

Tomorrow I'll be taking you out for shopping

why? I have enough clothes already

it's for a special occasion, don't worry I'll tell you about it, I know you are very curious. I've seen you looking at me suspiciously like a woman who is suspecting her husband to be cheating

I'll never think of you that way

I know I was just teasing you. So go to bed

okay, I kissed him good night before going to sleep.

I woke up the next morning without Luther again, I frowned in displeasure before heading downstairs for breakfast, after which I went with one of the servants for shopping. I didn't think much of the event so I just picked out a simple dress before going home.