
Ava mother hold her hand,

Ava listen carefully what I am going to say

Ava nod her head

Ava now you are going to get married soon but you are not going to marry in normal family so it will be difficult for you adjust there but i have faith on you my darling After two days you will head to palace two days mom isn't it too early

Not my honey it will be easy for you to adjust there if you go there early there they will give you training to adjust in royal family and after some month you will get married and only then you will be revealed to public

Mom am i going to marry or going to military. Why should I get training?

Darling we are normal people so to adjust in royal family you have to follow rules and regulations so for that you will get training

Ava nods her head

Princess you really are going to be real princess(she looks at ava with her eyes full of love)


Darling you are really grown up now

(ava hug her mom)

At Ava's room,