After thinking so hard Alex makes the call,
Hello ms.jade!
Hi prince alex! How come you called me today?
Ms.jade I have some favour to ask of you!
Sure prince! you can tell me!
Ms.jade tomorrow is my wife birthday so I want to buy gift for her.As girls likes jewelry so I want to buy some jewelry for her. you are the famous jewellery designer so I want you to design a jewelry for her...
Prince! i am glad that i can help you but I don't think tomorrow i will be able to deliver it to you as i need some days for designing...
Is that so?....
Actually recently I have designed Bracelet and it is not out in market yet..if,you want then i will deliver it to you tomorrow! I am sure your wife will love it!
That's sounds good ms.jade! But I have one condition!
What condition prince?
I will be really grateful if ms.Jade doesn't launch Bracelet out to market.In that way my wife will be the only one having this Bracelet in whole world! I will pay any price you want