First day

Next day...

Both were lying on the bed as if there were floating on the clouds.

Phone rings...

Ye lifts the call. A call from the Yifei parents.

"Son could you join us in dinner"

ye:" Sure , Dad"

He ends the call. He looks at the person beside him.

"She is still sleeping. May be I lost control yesterday night."

He lifts the blanket to get in.

He is surprised to see the hickey's that he left on her body.

A smile appears on his face.

"What I should do, I became a beast and I got mad "

"I want to possess her completely"

"She should be mine forever"

He notices the blood marks in the bed. He feels sorry about the harsh work up.

He wakes her up slowly with his gentle voice.

She moves to his sounds and opens her eyes.

She sees that the person next to her is the man she loved for many years.

"I married him but the fact is that he doesn't love me but my sister"

"What should I do, Shall I tell him the truth or shall I hide it"

"I will not leave this opportunity. I should make him to love me"

"I had some time left, in this mean time. If he loved me then I can tell him the truth. If not I will disappear from his life"

Ye:" Why are you spacing out"

suddenly she remembers the night they spent together.

she covers her face with the blanket.

Ye:" What you are doing"

Yi:" Iam feeling shy"

Ye:" Look at me"

Yu:" I can't...face you"

Ye:" If you doesn't, then I will start once again"

Yi:" No, stop it"

she removes the blanket. But she can't face him. she closes her eyes.

Ye:" See me now"

Yi:" I....will"

she slowly opens her eyes and looks at him.

"He is very handsome. How could he become more handsome than before"

"He is very masculine"

"Smooth body texture"

"Lengthy eyebrows and small eyes"

"His 12packs are awesome"

"He has long legs"

"I have to make him mine completely"

she is looking at his features and wondering about his physique.

Ye:" Again you are spacing out"

"I have a thing to tell you"