
Cop:" Mr. Dong, you are under arrest. You made a fake deal with a client. They filed a complaint against you for cheating"

"We are waiting to arrest you"

"Come with us"

Yi:" Mr. police, show me your evidence that Mr. Dong made a fake deal"

Cop:" Who are you , Do you know the consequences of stopping the cop"

Yi:" I am not stopping you. I am his personal asst. I am responsible for his dealings. Mr. Dong is not involved in this case so I can question you to show the evidence"

Ye whispers in her ears..

Ye:" Don't involve in this case. Our Wang groups glory depends on you. If you get arrested, I will not bail you out"

she doesn't care about his words and steps forward.

yi:" Mr. cop show me the evidence"

He takes out the file where Mr. Dong signed the contract and gives it to Yi.

she takes the file and studies it completely.

After 5 min.

cop:" Mrs. Ye are you done with this. Now we will arrest him"

yi:" Wait"

Cop:" Don't stop us. If you disturb us we will arrest you too"