Ye:"Why you are putting an angry face"
"Don't pout, it's ugly to look"
she gets more angry.
Yi:" What did you do now, you stared at me with out blinking. Don't you have any manners. can't you just turn to other side without staring me"
Ye:" Is it"
He comes to her closely. slowly he grabs her wait and pulls her on the bed.
He pounds on her and sits on her.
she knows what he is doing but she can't resist him.
she whispers slowly.
Yi:"What you are doing"
ye:" You don't know what am I doing"
she feels shy to look at him. Her body is feeling hot.
Yi:" Move down , I should go now"
ye:" I won't"
Yi:" I have a lot of work to do"
ye:" I don't care"
He slowly leans on her. He is looking in to her eyes.
"She really is tempting. What to do. I can't resist now. should I continue or should I avoid her"
He is confused and looking at her.
she feels the hotness when he leaned on her.
she looks at his thin lips and feels a increasing level of Harmones to kiss him.