Third night-1

Yi:"I can do it myself, don't strain yourself by doing this"

Ye:" I am just helping you".

"What's there for me to strain"

"Take your clothes off I will make you bath"

yi:" What.. no need. I can bath myself"

Ye:"The medicine you took will make you dizzy and also sleepy so you can't do it. let me help you"

Yi:" It takes just a few minutes, I can bath myself. so I don't need you help"

ye:" Ok, then I will go to kitchen to cook dinner. In mean time you can take bath and wait for me I will come to take you down"

yi:" Ok, I will do that"

She removes her clothes and slowly steps to the bathroom.

After a while ye comes to check on her, he looks around in the room but she is not seen any where. He goes inside the bathroom he sees that she is dozing out in the tub. He wrapes her with towel and lifts her to the bed room. He makes her to sit on his lap and rub her with towel to dry her. Later he places her on the bed...