New day

Next day morning Yifei wakes up in a hurry..

"I should prepare breakfast"

"I am late to the office"

she looks around.

"Yes, I forget that I am staying in Dong's villa"

knock knock..

"Miss Are you awake?"

"All are waiting to have breakfast with you"

"Yes I will be there in 10min"

she gets up and washes to join them.

she rushes but she couldn't find the way to the dinning hall.

She wonders in the villa to find the way but she couldn't.

she reaches a way which is totally dark and it looked like a way to the basement.

she looks at it but finds that way as mysterious. she turns to leave but suddenly she listens a voice that some one is calling her.

she gets down through the steps to look inside.

suddenly a hand grabs her out from getting inside.

She turns to see.

"Brother you scared me out"

B-2:" Don't ever go inside"

He pulls her and walks to the dinning hall.

She is confused.

"**Brother is always funny to deal but now he acted like he is too serious"