New twist-2

Dong:"Already we had lost her once .. still you want to loose her again".

Every one remains silent.

B-5:"Dad when you are going to say her that she is our own sister"

Dong:" I think it's not the time to tell her"

B-4:"But dad she should know everything that why we left her with them when she is only few months old and why did we hide her and how did they got in to an accident and how we lost her details and now how we found her..."

"There are many questions to be answered dad."

B-7:"It's not good to keep her under darkness forever"

"She should know the truth about everything".

Dong:" I don't know how to face her when she know that her own dad abondened her when she needs the most"

he bursts in to tears.

Every one panics and surrounds him.

"Dad don't be disappointed it's not your fault what happened it's all because of that damm Wilson's family"

Dong:" You must take revenge for what my daughter had got through this all along"

B:2-"Yes Dad! we agree to you"