
He asks about her.

"What did you do to Yifei"

"You harmed her in many ways."

"Tell me if not I will kill you"

he takes out his gun and tries to shoot her.

"No! I didn't do any thing just I drugged her and made her to sleep with... "

"Whom! whom! why did you made her to sleep with other man. So I think you are the reason she sucided"

"No! Ye you are mistaken. The man she slept with her is you"

"Actually that day you drank a lot so I drugged her to sleep with you"

"But she knows that it's you"

"Then why did she commit sucide"

He holds her neck trying to choke her.

"I don't ...k... now"

Every one makes him to calm and at last he releases her.

Cops comes to arrest Yuxue and her parents for cheating Ye's family.

"The reason she died is me."

"I made her to loose hope to live"

"She begged me on that evening telling that she didn't cheat on him"

"But I didn't believe her"

"I am a loser"

"I lost her"

"I turned a blind eye to her when she approached me"