
Tae takes initiative to answer Ye's question.

Tae:"Dad! Day after tomorrow is our birthday and we turn 4 then"

Ye:" Oh! is it.. but you look like you are 5y old as you talk very fluently."

Kookie:" Oh! that's because of our family doctor. He stopped us from being abort from our mother's womb. He gave some medicines to our mother to stop abortion. Next is our grandma who is a very talented lady. she trained us in every thing along with our mother so well. That's the reason we are like this in our early age"

Ye:" oh! so you had a Grandma, a doctor and mother too"

jimin:"No dad!"

he turns to kookie.

"Stop it kookie. don't fool dad"

tae:" He is just teasing you dad. Actually we are living in streets so we learnt to talk early as we had to earn our living."

Tae:"Kookiee! don't fool dad.. don't be a naughty child If so he will leave us again in streets and we will be orphans again"

Kookie:"Sry Dad.. I will not repeat it but pls don't leave us again"