Honestly speaking i dont want to meet her, but now if she is here then i dont think i can avoid her too.
Let's see why she is here.
I said to my secretary to sent her inside.After few minutes she appered in front of me . She is still looking same as she was eight years ago.
"What are you doing here". i asked her.
"This is the first question you asking me after meeting so many years"?? she replied.
"Oh, please stop this acting and get to the point."
"Elbert ,i know why are you behaving like this ,trust me i never ever tried to broke up with you , it was you who said first regarding breakup."
"Dont you dare to talk about past , i am leading a happy life with my wife. So ,please just get out of here."
"What???? are you married,whom ,when why"????
"Its been three years and i am very happy with her . And you know what i have two beautiful babies with her . "
I can say by looking at her expression she is completely shocked. But now all this nothing matters to me .