I want you to show me....


"Elbert wait" i stopped him.

He backed away looking somewhat disappointed.

"We're outside" i said simply.

"So??, no one will see us." he said leaning forward to kiss me again.

"But still" i said looking unsure.

"okay , come on .Let's go home .We can continue this in peace " he chuckled.

He quickly stood up ,expecting me to follow suit.I stayed sitting on the blankets.I slowly slipped my clothes back in place but made no move to stand up.He sat back down.He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"I'll zip you up" he offered. I leaned forward and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling my zipper up.He unwrapped his arms around me and stood up.He held his hand out offering to help me up.We said little to each other on the way to his car.Once we were settled into his warm car, i broke the silence.

"So how long will it take for us to get home" i asked trying to make conversation.

"About two hours .I think " he said.