I entered in investigation room and as i entered she asked the officer what would be her punishment and i immediately answered "7 years or more than that".
Her eyes meet mine ,i could sense her pleading eyes as if she wanted to say something but of my surprise she lowered her gaze and didnt looked at me .
""Mr. Officer this is Matz Robinson lawyer of Harold Taylor. I wanted to ask few questions to miss Keren Miller." i said while looking at her but she was continuously looking at the big round table which was acting like a boundary between us.
"Of course Mr .Matz .Go ahead".
He left us alone in that room and there was pin drop silence .
I pulled out chair and sat down.Still she was not looking at me. For few minutes i was looking at her and reading her face expressions.
Then finally i decided to break the silence.
"So tell me is this true that you have involvement with Harold .And your sister also had, and you killed your sister?. i asked her.