It's been almost six years and eleven months and after one month i am completing my punishment .You guys might think that i am relly a fool who didnt even once tried to protect herself.May be i am the biggest coward of this world but sometimes silence is the best solution of every question.
The possibility of winning the case was very less for me because the fingerprints on the gun played the major role in this case.I remember when Harold killed sheril and after watching the murder i felt unconscious and fall down. Might be in the meantime he put that gun in my hand and his fingerprints were erased by my fingerprints and the new fingerprints were mine.Regarding cctv footage he might erased that too. Afterall that murder was happened in his office.
Everything was against me.And on top of that Matz didnt asked me once whether i did that or not. But from whom i am expecting he was also one of the victim like me.