Its been five hours and i still dont know where that bastard took Keren.What he exactly think of himself , seven years ago when Keren was in need of him at that time he didnt help her and now he was showing like he really cares about her.
I was thinking where could he took her and took out my phone to call her but then i realused that we never shared our nubers.
Then i call my assistant to find Matz contct number and his address.
After few minutes he sent me the text.
First i thought to call him but then i thought to visit his place.
But before that i went Keren's restraunt , i remember she told me once about her friend .When i reached there , a girl was working on the counter.
I went near her and said"Excuse me , are you friend of Keren.?"
She turned back and looked at me , she didnt responded but just looking at me.
"Hello, i am talking to you.Are you frind of Keren.I need her contact number."