♡♡Marry me!♡♡

"Sir! She is here"

Min hyuk turns.As soon as he turns,Ji ah becomes speechless.He was breathtakingly handsome.His eyes were sensuous and radiant like pure diamond which captures every nerves of One's mind.He had smooth flawless skin which was like a sheet of well done cloth.He has tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous.His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eye brows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression.He has sharp jaw,chin and cheekbones.His nose was perfectly symmetrical.His lips were very attractive and captivating.His body was firmly built like a knight waiting to rescue his princess in his strong arm.He was the man every girl want.

Min hyuk approaches Ji ah.He had a look of confidence etched permanently into his features and walk.

"Hello Ms.Ji ah!"

"Hello Mr.Kang!"(Ji ah bows to Min hyuk)

"Ms.Ji ah have your seat!"

Ji ah and Min hyuk sits on sofa,