♡♡My heart is in pain♡♡

Ji Ah's heart was aching seeing Daniel like this.She never thought she will Be in this situation.

"Ji ah! My heart is aching like crazy..sob...sob..I think I have gone crazy...sob...sob..ev..even after knowing th..that you are my brother's wi..wife also I didn't seem to give up on you.I am really going crazy...sob...sob..ji ah! I want to stop liking you.. sob..sob..help me!"

Hearing this tears rolls down Ji Ah's cheek,

"Daniel! I am sorry.I hurt you.I didn't mean to hurt you but I end up hurting you...sob...sob...I told you that you will end up getting hurt if you continue to like me but..sob..sob..you didn't listen to me...sob..sob"

"Ji ah! It's not easy to stop liking someone.I love you! sob...sob..."

"Daniel! You will get better girl than me.You deserve better! And I think you are obsessed with me!"

"Obsessed? Ji ah! I love you! You can call it obsession or whatever you want but the fact is I love you!"

"Daniel! I am married now and most importantly I am your sister in law"