♡♡If you are trying to flutter my heart then you are successful♡♡

Min looks at Ji ah proudly and says:"That's like my women! Never get weak infront of anyone"

Ji ah nods her head and smiles beautifully

"Now sleep! you must be tired"

Ji ah buries her head in his muscular chest and falls asleep.In morning as usual Min prepares breakfast for Ji ah.He was in kitchen heating milk when Ji ah comes from behind and wraps her hand around min hyuk's waist.

"Goodmorning hubby!"

Hearing this smiles appears in Min hyuk's face.He turns off the gas and turns to Ji ah.

"I like word 'hubby'."

Ji ah smiles beautifully and says:"I am going to call you hubby from now on"

Min tucks hair from her face behind her hair and says:"I will love it Wifey"

Min hands over glass of hot milk to Ji ah and goes to have breakfast.After having breakfast they gets ready and leaves for office.Today they don't have to enter the company separately.After reaching to company,Min gets out from his car and opens the door for Ji ah.

Min holds Ji Ah's hand and says:"Let's go wifey!"