♡♡I can't control anymore♡♡

Looking at the ring,ji ah feels great happiness in her heart.This man makes her feel special everytime.He never forgets to dot on his little wife.

Ji ah looks at Min lovingly and says:"Why are you so good to me?"

"Am I? But I think I am not good enough for you.I still need to be more good to you and dot on you."

Ji ah smiles beautifully and says:"I will also try my best to be good wife to you.I will become the person that deserves you"

Min pats on Ji Ah's head and says:"You don't need to be more good than this.You are already good enough for me and you deserve me.I am only yours"

"Really? Then promise me that you will never leave me!"

"I promise you that I will never leave you.Even if you want to leave me I won't let you leave me"

"Remember your promise okay?"

"I will! Aren't you hungry?"

"I am!"

Min smirks and says:"Then eat this.You have to secure your energy for tonight"

"You shameless jerk!"