♡♡You are my biggest gift♡♡

After 1hour Ji ah and Min reaches the villa.It was already 11pm.As soon as they enters their master bedroom;min gives tight back hug to Ji ah.Ji ah turns around and looks at his handsome face.She smiles beautifully and says:"Hubby! Where is my gift? You didn't give me any gift on our wedding anniversary"

Min scratches his head and says:"Sorry! I didn't have any gift for you.I will buy anything you want tomorrow"

Ji ah rolls her eyes and says:"I don't need anything."

Min pinches ji Ah's cheek lightly and says:"Baby! Are you angry?"

Ji ah shooks her head and says:"No!I am not.i don't need any gift.You are my biggest gift."

Hearing this Min hugs her and says:"Why are you so lovely?"

Ji ah proudly says:"I am lovely since my birth!"

Hearing this Min giggles and says:"Yeah!You are."

"Hubby! I have gift for you"

Min becomes surprised and he asks ji ah excitedly:"Really? Then where is my gift?"