What if something is wrong with my baby?

Min boards the car and says:"I know you aren't hurt so stop pretending.Come fast otherwise I am going to leave you alone again"

As soon as Ji ah hears this,she hurriedly boards the car.Then they leaves for villa.Throughout the way,both of them were silent.After sometime they reaches the villa.Min goes to bedroom and Ji ah makes food for herself.

"Bastard! Do you think I will make food for you?Keep dreaming!"

After having dinner,ji ah goes to take bath.Whereas min goes to kitchen to have dinner.He thought that Ji ah prepared food for him too but he was wrong.There was nothing in kitchen.Min prepares one boul of ramen for him.After having it he goes to library to read novel because he didn't want to face Ji ah.After two hours he returns to bedroom and finds Ji ah asleep on bed.He goes near her and sits beside her.Then he caresses her hair and says:"Baby! Can you stop now? I can't see you hurt again and again.It breaks my heart.You deserve happiness not heart break."