Why do I have to be apart from you?

Ji Ah's eyes turned red and tears can be seen in her eyes.She wanted to cry.She wanted to curse him but she controls herself.She don't want to look weak infront of him anymore.She don't want to show her tears to him anymore.Ji ah takes long breath and wipes her tears.Then she glares at Min and says in cold voice:"How can I forget everything? How can I sit here and act like we never happened? The things we said,we did and went through.You had me dreaming for a year.You were my first kiss,my first love.How can I forget your promise? You said you will never leave me.You said your love will remain same forever.Was that all lie? If you can't keep your promise then why did you gave me your fucking empty promise? Did you have fun playing with me? I must look like a joke to you all the time right? Min! I was hoping for you to come back until now but from today I don't need you in my life.I don't need your fucking love and support.It disgust me.Min!If I can show you how awful you made me feel then you will never be able to look in my eyes again."

Hearing this Min was heartbroken.He wanted to beg Ji Ah to stay with him but there was nothing he could do.He was the one who was pushing her again and again but when he heard that Ji ah will leave him,he was totally broken.He wanted to cry and let it all out because he was suffocating.Both of their heart was in pain but only the difference was that Min couldn't show his pain.

Min doesn't speak anything and only stares at ji ah.

Ji ah continues to speak:"You said you want divorce right? Okay I will give you divorce.I will leave you.I even brought divorce paper with me.But I have a condition"

"What condition?"

Ji ah goes close to Min and says in cold voice:"Do you think I will leave you so easily? You told me that you will give Me money right? Then give me 5million.Call me cheap women or whatever.I don't care anymore.You are just a bastard that cheated on me so even if you call me cheap it doesn't matter because you are the most cheapest person I have ever seen.Do you think you are eligible to be call a Tycoon of this country? No! In my eyes you are the fucking bastard that needs to be burn in hell"

Min was surprised to hear Ji ah cursing because He never heard her cursing so much.

In a rude voice Min replies:"Don't you think you are crossing your limits?"

Ji ah gives mocking smile and says:"Did you just talk about limits? Mister! for your kind information you are the one who crossed limits not me.So don't even talk about limits"

"Okay! Fine! I will give you money and then you will have to leave."

Min takes out his cheque book.

"Are you so much in hurry to make me leave?"

Min rudely replies:"Yes I am!"

"You easily agreed to give me 5 million.So I don't need it anymore.Now I need 7 million"

"What the hell do you want?"

"I already told you.i want 7 million.You are the CEO of top company so it's not big deal for you right?"

Min signs the cheque of 7 million and gives it to Ji ah.Then he says:"Take it! Now sign the divorce paper!"

Ji Ah's heart was pierced by thousands of needles Its was bleeding but Ji ah didn't made any sound.She smiles and says:"Okay!"

Ji ah signs the divorce paper and hands it to min:"Now we are really separated.You and me don't have anything to do with eachother anymore.Min! I hope we will never meet eachother again."

"I hope so too!"

"I will leave the villa today!"

"Will you go to your parents house?"

"Its none of your business.I don't want you to interfere in my life anymore."

Min doesn't reply anything.There was nothing to say anymore.

"Bye Mr.kang!"


Min was going to burst out in any seconds.He couldn't control himself anymore so he immediately turns his back to Ji Ah and says:"Leave now!"

Ji ah leaves the room.As soon as Ji ah leave the room,min bursts out into tears.His mind becomes blank and his heart hurts like crazy.

"I hate myself.Why can't I protect you even though i am fucking CEO? Sob...sob...Why am I so unlucky? Why do I have to be apart from you? Why? why? sob...sob..."