She is a star that I can never reach!

Daniel's POV:

[Our faith got us together again and I didn't know if I should be happy or sad.Three years ago when ji ah said she is divorced I was sad for her but I was happy for myself.I know its selfish but afterall I am a human.Its natural to feel happy.I thought god gave me another chance to be with her.I was happy deep inside because I still couldn't forgot her.I don't know why was I so obsessed with her.I felt we can be together now but my heart was again broken when she told me that she have son.Maybe she saw through me.She told me clearly that we can't be together.She said she regards me as a friend and I can never be more than a friend to her.From that day I finally gave up on her but still if she wants to be with me then I will welcome her to my world happily.From that day I promised to myself that I will never force Ji ah to be with me.If she regards me as a friend then I will stay with her as a good friend.She is star to me that I can never reach.I can only admire her from far away but can never achieve her.]

At Ji Ah's office,

"Madam! You have meeting with Mr.Park tomorrow"


"But madam..."

"What but?"

"I don't think you should attend the meeting.I mean let Mr.daniel attend this meeting"

Hearing this Ji Ah's face turns cold and in a cold voice she asks:"What do you mean? Why should I let Daniel attend the meeting in place of me? Are you looking down on me?"

"No madam! I didn't mean that."

"Then tell me! What do you mean?"

"Actually he isn't good person.He always tries to take advantage of girls.He looks down on women and always takes advantage of them.He is a pervert so I don't want you to get in trouble because of him"

After hearing Mr.han, ji ah smirks and says:"Was this your reason?"

"Yes madam!"

"You will be there with me so why are you worried?"

"But madam he said he wants to have private meeting with you only.He only wants you to come."

"What the hell?Why will he want to have meeting with me only? Cancel the meeting!"

"This deal is really important for us madam.We really work hard for this deal."

"Okay then I will attend the meeting"

"Should I tell Mr.daniel about this? He can handle this"

"No! He took some days off"

"Then madam I don't think you should attend this meeting alone.Lets cancel the meeting! We can cover up the damage"

"Mr.Han! You have worked with me for 4 years.Do you still think I am delicate woman? Even if I look delicate and cute but I am not that delicate you know right?"

"Yes I know but still I don't want you to get in trouble"

"I accept your concern.But I will attend this meeting.If he tries to take advantage of me then I will show him hell so don't worry"

"Okay madam!"

In evening Ji ah returns to lee Mansion.She enters the house and finds Hyun playing with Jimin in hall.


Hyun waves his hand and says:"Hey sissy!"

"When did you came?"

"Just half an hour ago!"

"Oh! I thought I will have to take appointment to meet you"

Hyun chuckles and says:"I was busy with my work so I couldn't come home."

Ji ah pats on Hyun's head and says:"Aigoo! You have become a great doctor"

Hyun removes ji Ah's hand from his head and says:"Sissy! Stop patting my head.I am not a child anymore"

Ji ah frowns and says:"But you are still younger than me so for me you are still a child"

Hearing this jimin giggles and says:"Hehehe! uncle is a child"

"You little Bunny! Are you teasing me?"

Ji ah giggles and says:"Jimin! What should we do to your uncle Hyun?"

Hyun was sitting beside jimin.Jimin stands up and pats on Hyun's head and says:"We should pat on uncle's head"

Seeing this Ji ah bursts out into laughter and says:"That's like my son!"

Hyun pinches jimin's cheek and says:"Are you teasing your uncle hum? I am going to punish you"

Jimin immediately acts cute and says:"Hehe! Uncle! I love you"

"Don't try to be cute!"

Jimin hurriedly kisses on Hyun's cheek and looks at him with puppy eyes.Seeing this Hyun's heart melts immediately.He carries jimin in his arm and says:"You are cute like your mom!"