Will you Marry me ms.ji ah?

Like ji ah said,Mr.Han digged information of mr.park.Evidence of his every bad deeds was now in Ji Ah's hand.Within two days,Mr.park was totally destroyed in the hand of Ji ah.He never thought he will have to pay such price for provoking her.Not only the recording but also the evidence of his bad deeds were all over the internet.Shockingly he was involved in Money scandals,corruption and many more other illegal activities.Due to these reasons,he was no longer able to show his face to anyone and even his company was bankrupted.Police was searching for him but he was hiding from them.Who told him to provoke her?

"Mr.Han! What's the latest news about mr.park?"

"Madam! He had been hiding from police since few days.His family went abroad and his company is also bankrupted.He can't hide from police forever so don't worry they will arrest him sooner or later"

Ji ah smirks and says:"Let him hide as much as he want.More he wants to hide,more he will suffer!"

"Okay madam!"

Suddenly someone knocks on the door,

"Come in!"

Daniel enters the room.As soon as mr.han sees Daniel,he bows to him and greets him:"Hello sir!"

"Hello mr.han!"

"Mr.han! You can go"

"Okay madam!"

Mr.Han leaves the room.

"How was your cousin's wedding?"

"It was pretty good".In a teasing voice Daniel says:"After attending their wedding,i also want to get married but nobody wants to marry me.So, Will you marry me Ms.ji ah?"

Hearing this,Ji Ah feels uncomfortable.Even though it was joke but she didn't like it.

Ji ah chuckles and says:"Daniel! It isn't funny"

"Haha! Sorry I was just joking!"

Ji ah rolls her eyes and says:"Whatever!"

"By the way! I have something serious matter to discuss with you"

"What is it?"

Daniel hesitates to tell.

"Aish! Why are you hesitating?"

"Actually we got really big project"

Ji ah was really happy to hear this.In a excited voice she asks:"Wow! It's really great news.Why were you hesitating to tell me this?"

"But we have to collaborate with kang corporation"

Ji Ah becomes surprised to hear this.Her face turns pale after hearing the name Kang Co. Her heart starts beating fast only with its name.Ji ah wasn't happy to hear this.Why would her company collaborate with Kang Co.?

"Why would we collaborate with them? They are our competitors,isn't they?"

"Yes they are but for this deal we have to collaborate with Kang co. They are also one of the top company and this deal isn't small like other deals.If we can sign this deal then our business can grow even more bigger in international market.Its really advantageous for our company.This project is so big that we need to collaborate two top company.Its the main reason behind the collaboration.But I haven't said them yes yet so don't worry.If you don't want then we can giveup on this project"

ji ah was in dilemma.If she says yes then she have to face Min and if she didn't say yes then she have to lose this golden opportunity.After thinking for sometime Ji ah makes her decision.

"If you don't want to say yes then...."

Before Daniel could complete his sentence,ji ah interrupts:"Let's do it!"


"Let's collaborate with them and complete this project.I think I should separate my personal life and professional life.I have to think about our company also.I already lost big deal somedays ago and now I don't want to lose this opportunity again."

Daniel was happy with Ji Ah's decision.He didn't want her to get affected by this matter much and like he want,ji ah wasn't affected by it much.

"You took good decision.You have worked really hard for this company so we shouldn't lose this golden opportunity.Ji ah! I know this decision is hard for you but you have to face him sooner or later right? So face him now! it's the right time.We can't lose this opportunity just because of him"

Daniel was right.Ji ah have to face Min sooner or later so why not now?

Ji ah takes deep breath and says:"I know!"

"Ji ah! We have to go to A city for a month"

And again her faith made her return to same place where she was hurt again and again by her loved ones.

Ji ah nods her head and says:"Okay!"