He is my son!

Jimin was missing his mommy so much.He wanted to come to her as soon as possible but he was stuck because of his exams.But he was so lucky that his exams got cancelled because of some reasons.So after hearing this news he immediately went to Ji ah without telling her.He called mr.Han to pick him up secretly because he wanted to surprise her.

Ji ah was busy in work.She was at Kang Co. for meeting.After meeting,she was trying to leave but again like last time,min stops her.


Finally he started calling her Ms.lee,

Ji ah smiles beautifully and replies:"Yes mr.Kang?"

"Can we talk?"

"About what mr.kang? I think everything is already discussed in meeting room about our project"

"Yes! I don't want to have talk about work.I just want to have personal talk"

Hearing this,ji ah smiles mockingly and says:"Personal talk? Mr.Kang! I don't think there is something personal between us to talk.Everything is already finished six years ago"

Min was speechless.He can't say anything and keeps staring at Ji ah.

"If you don't have to say anything then I am leaving"

Saying this Ji ah turns around to leave but to her surprise jimin comes running to her calling her mommy in a loud voice.


he jumps into her arms.Ji ah was surprised to see jimin and ofcourse Min was in shock after hearing jimin calling Ji ah mommy.

In a surprised voice ji ah asks:"Jimin! What are you doing here?"

"Mommy! I came her because I missed you so much!"

"Jimin! With whom did you come?"

jimin smiles happily and points out at Mr.han.Then he says:"I came with uncle Han!"

Hearing this ji ah glares ar Mr.han.

"Mr.Han! I think we need to have a talk"

"Mommy! Don't be angry.Mr.Han didn't do anything.I asked him to pick me up"

"Jimin! How can you be so careless? You should Have called me"

"I wanted to give you a surprise so I came without notifying"

"Okay then go with uncle han to our apartment.I will come after sometime"

"Okay mommy!..Oh hi! Uncle"

Min was still in daze.He smiles and replies:"Hi boy!"

"Are you friend of my mom?"

"Yes I am your mom's friend!"

"Wow! You are handsome.I like you"

Hearing this Min smiles handsomely and says:"

You are so cute!"

Ji ah becomes uncomfortable to see jimin talking with Min.She immediately tries to apart them.

"Jimin! Go with mr.Han now!"

"Okay mommy! Bye uncle!"


As soon as Jimin leaves,Min immediately asks Ji ah about him

"Who was that child?"

"My son!"

"What? What...wh..what...are..you..sa..saying?"

"I am telling truth.He is my son!"

"Does that mean you are already married?"

"Yes! Didn't you know about it yet?"

Min was in disbelief.He couldn't believe that Ji ah is married.

"You must be joking right?"

"No! Why would I joke with you? Didn't you hear him calling me mommy?"

"Are you really married?"

"Yes I am! Why? Did you think that I won't be able to move on?"

"n..no..no! Its not that"

"I am already married and I am so happy with my husband.He is really good to me unlike you .He cares and loves me more than himself and I also love him like crazy.I love him."