Jimin is my son!

Min's POV:

[He was so cute like my ji ah.After so long,I feel like I am alive.Today was the best day of these six years.I don't know why I feel so connected with this child.Maybe because he is the son of ji ah.His eyes,his nose is like hers.His cuteness is also like hers.I wish I had a child like him.If ji ah and I were still together then we would have child like him.Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to be with her.]

In a blink of time,next day came.It was the day of result of si woo's investigation.Min was really curious about it.He was waiting passionately for result.Soon si woo comes to his office with results.

Min asks curiously:"Si woo! Tell me the result.Is she married or not?"

Si woo's face was serious.Seeing this min thinks that ji ah is married.


"Yes tell me fast!"

Si woo smiles and says:"She isn't married!"

Min couldn't believe si woo.He was in disbelief.After hearing him,he was so happy.But jimin suddenly crosses his mind.

"Then who is jimin? Why did she said that he is her son?"

"Sir! If I am not wrong then I think he is your son.i told you yesterday that he looks alot like you.And he is looks about 5,6 years.This can't be co incident right?"

Min's heartbeat increases and many thoughts starts crossing his mind.He thinks for some minute and finally remembers Ji ah's medical examination.Now he was sure that jimin is his son.

"Si woo! Go and check medical report of ji ah six years ago.I need results as soon as possible"

"Okay sir!"

Si woo leaves the room immediately.Min was still in disbelief.He never knew that he have son.His heart was aching.All these years he made his son live without his father.He was feeling really bad for jimin and ji ah.Soon his eyes becomes wet and tears starts rolling down his cheeks.He couldn't control himself and bursts out into tears.He made really great mistake.

"Sob...sob...I...am..sorry..baby!..I.. I..didn't..kno..know..abo..about..our..child...sob...sob..I.. am..really...sorry!"

Min cries for sometimes and he finally calms himself down.After 2 hours si woo returns with ji ah's medical examination reports.He was really fast at digging information.

"Sir! This is the medical report of madam six years ago."

Min opens the envelop and goes through her medical reports and to his surprise he finds that ji ah was pregnant six years ago with his baby.It means Jimin is his son.

"Si woo!"

"Yes sir!"

"Let's go to Lee corporation!"

Lee corporation office is also in A city but main office is in S city.

Min and si woo leaves for Lee corporation immediately.After sometime they reaches the Lee corporation.Ji ah was in her office.She was busy in her work when suddenly door of her office room flews open and min enters the room.Ji ah was surprised to see him at her office.

In a cold voice she says:"What the hell are you doing here? Don't you have manner?Shouldn't you knock before entering?"

In a serious tone min says:"I have something important to talk with you!"

After seeing his serious expression,Ji ah immediately understands that min was here to ask about jimin.Her heart starts racing like crazy and within some seconds,her palms and forehead becomes sweaty.

In a rude voice she says:"I don't have anything to talk with you.Just leave!"

"But I have! Is jimin.."

Before he could question her,ji ah cuts in.She starts panicking.In a panicked voice she says:"Stop it and get out of my office!"

"Ji ah! Listen to me!"

Ji ah becomes frustrated and she ends up shouting at min:"What the hell do you want me to listen? Why are you here after hurting me? Do you want to hurt me again? Get out! I don't want to see you anymore."

Min grabs ji ah's arm and in a cold voice he says:"Ji ah! Listen!"

"Leave me!"

Ji ah tries to free herself from his grip but can't.Min grabs her arms even more tightly and says:"why are you panicking so much? Seeing you panicking like this,I think you are hiding something from me!"

Hearing this,ji ah immediately stops panicking.She calms herself down.She glares at min and says:"don't be ridiculous! I am not hiding anything from you"

(Hello dear readers! How are you all? I have some news for you all.I published new book today.Its title is "Am I really a witch?" Go and check it out and give me reviews.Its supernatural genre.I am trying this genre for the first time and I am really afraid.Forgive me if there is some mistakes.Love you all and don't worry I will keep updating this one too)