Why are you doing this to me?

Min was sleepless all night.He was in dilemma and it wasn't easy to choose between his wife and mother.If he choose Ji ah then he will surely lose his mother and if he choose his mother then he will lose ji ah.There was no way to choose both of them.He tried his best to make his mom accept Ji ah but she was not in condition to accept her.After thinking so much also he couldn't come to a solution.His mom gave him time till morning but Min didn't made any decision.

In morning he was going to go to hospital with Ji ah to get her reports when suddenly his phone rings.His face turns pale after seeing the callers number.Ji ah asked him who was calling but he again lied to her saying that it was his business partner.He went to balcony to take call.

In a cold voice Min says:"Hello!"

From another side of phone a panicking voice comes:"Sir! Please come to hospital fast.Madam again tried to take her life this morning.She was alright until yesterday's night but suddenly this morning she vanished.I searched for her everywhere but she was on the hospitals roof.She was trying to jump from there but fortunately we found her at right time and saved her.She wasn't taking name to calm down so doctor gave her some medicine and now she is sleeping but I am afraid that she will again try to do something so please sir come fast"

Hearing this Min's heart starts beating fast.His knees becomes weak and his face turns pale.His mind becomes blank and there was nothing he could think of beside his mom and Ji ah.He goes to hospital by lying to Ji ah.

At hospital,

"Mom! Why are you doing this?You gave me time till this morning right? Then why did you do all these?"

In a weak voice mother Kang replies:"I waited for you so much but you didn't came."

Tears starts rolling down Min's cheek and he says:"Mom! Why are you doing this to me? Can't you please stop now hum? Its becoming hard for me to even breathe.I feel like my heart will burst out in any second.Why can't you understand me? I said I can't choose between you and Ji ah."

Mother Kang wipes Min's tears and says:"Son! Why can't you understand me? I am doing all these for you.Just believe in your mom once,won't you? Just do as I told you just once.After that I won't tell you anything I promise you.I am not doing all these for me I am doing all these for yo...."

Min cuts in:"Yes I know what will you say.Stop it! I am fed up of hearing that.Please don't do anything for me.Its really frustrating and heart breaking"

Saying this Min leaves the room.Afte sometimes he returns and takes his mom to see the psychiatrist.He took her there by lying.

"Mr.Kang! Your mom is going through trauma.She don't believe in anyone because her trust was broken very badly in past.I suggest you to do like she is telling now.The more you disobey her the more she will go crazy and do something bad.You have to handle her with love and care in this condition.If you keep arguing with her and making her angry,she will be stubborn and try to harm you by harming herself."

Min was dumbfounded by hearing doctor.Finally he decides to do as his mom says.It was really hard for him to take this decision.He was in dilemma and in this situation he thought it will be better if he choose his mom because right now her life was in danger.If we were in his situation then we would have done the same.No one can see their mother dying infront of them.Its really easy to point out on others and tell that he did wrong but only if we were in his shoes,we would have known his pain.There may be ways to get out of this situation but now there wasn't any way nor time with Min so at last he chooses his mom's life.

"Mom!I will do as you say so can you stop harming yourself hum?"

"Okay I will stop harming myself but promise that you will divorce that girl!"

With a stone in his heart,min says:"I will divorce her so stop doing crazy things"

Hearing this mother Kang becomes happy and hugs Min:"You did great decision my son.don't worry mom will search the better girl than her.I love my son!"

[Thank you everyone who is really understanding me❤.Its really heart touching for me to get your all supports.There is still problem going on between our country's education minister and us students.We all are carrying on protest against their decision because it's about our future.I will update more tomorrow if possible.Hope my exams will be cancelled and we don't have to worry.Thank you everyone.I love you all❤]