Can we be together again?

Mother Kang holds Ji Ah's hand and starts to beg for her forgiveness.Ji ah jerks her hand away and says:"Why will I forgive you? I won't forgive you ever"

"Ji ah! I know you won't forgive me but atleast forgive Min,won't you? He still loves you.He can't live without you.If you want then I will never appear in your and Min's life again so please forgive him and get back together with him hum?"

Ji ah smiles mockingly and says:"Why will I get back together with him? Even though he hurted me because of you, I can't forgive him so easily.The pain he gave me is still here with me.Its like nightmare that haunts me every night."

"Ji ah! Please forgive him.He loves y..."

Before she could complete her sentence,Door of room flews open and a tall figure enters the room.

In a rude voice he says:"What are you doing here?"

Min was looking really angry.His face was dark and his eyes were full of anger.He approaches mother Kang and says in rude voice:"I said what are you doing here?"

In a trembling voice she says:"Mi..Min!"

Min grabs mother Kang's hand and takes her out of room.

"Min! Leave my hand.Its hurting!"

In a angry voice Min says:"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Min! I have come to my sense now.I am feeling really guilty.I told everything to Ji ah.I told her that you hurted her because of me.I even begged her to forgive you so son don't worry! everything will be fine now.She will forgive you and you can happily live with your son."

Hearing this Min becomes even more angry.In a rude voice he says:"Why did you told her? I already told you that there is nothing between you and me.I don't want your help.I don't want you to interfere in my personal life.From now on don't you dare to interfere in my life."

Mother Kang looks at Min with eyes full of tears.She was looking really pitiful.


"Si woo! drive Ms.kang back to Kang mansion"

"Okay sir!....Madam! Let's go."

"Son! I did what I thought was right.Now I won't interfere in your life like you want.I wish you a good luck"

Saying this mother Kang leaves with si woo.Then min goes to Ji Ah's office.As soon as ji ah sees Min,her eyes turns red but she doesn't let tears to come out.

With a smile Ji ah says:"Mr.kang! Do you need something?"

"Ji Ah! You know everything now don't you?"

Ji ah doesn't says anything for sometime then finally she says:"Yes! Your mother told everything.Why? Do you expect me to forgive you?"

Min shooks his head and says:"No! I don't expect you to forgive me"

"Mr.kang! You had your reasons and I don't know what you were going through.It must have been painful.I am not in your place so I don't know what you were going through but atleast you should have told me about it just once.Who knows if you told me then everything would be different now?"

"Ji ah! I won't tell you to forgive me but can you please give me one chance.I know I am shameless to ask you this but please can we be together again?"

Hearing this Ji Ah's heart starts racing fast.

"Chance? I don't want to give you chance"

"Ji Ah! Don't give me chance for me but can you please think about jimin? I am his father.I want to be with him,play with him and spend time together with him.All these years I was unknown about his existence and when I finally got to know about his existence,i was unable to show my love and affection towards him.Do you know how painful it is for me? I know you will give him love of both father and mother but please can you give me one chance? I still love you.I was living life like a hell without you.I want to be happy again.I promise I will never hurt you again"

Hearing this Ji ah smiles but her eyes were full of tears:"Mr.kang! My wounds are too deep for healing.Even if you try,it won't heal too easily.I can never be together with you again.And about jimin,I already told you that I will never forbid you to meet jimin.He is your son and no one can deny this fact not even me."

"But Ji ah I want you both.I want to be happy again and it is not possible without you.Can't we be together again?"

"No! We can't.Okay I will forgive you but I won't be able to be with you"