Baby! I am really sorry

Days passed and Min continued to convince Ji ah.He started to call her everyday and he even visited her everyday.He even started to spend time with jimin and play with him.Jimin started to like Min more than before.Ji ah was feeling uncomfortable by his activities but there was nothing she could do.She was trying to ignore him as much as she can whereas Min was trying so hard to make her feel his love and care.

At Ji Ah's office,

Ji ah was busy in her work when suddenly Min enters her office with a big bouquet of flower.Seeing him,ji Ah's face turns cold.Min felt upset to her reaction but still he kept smile in his face and approached Ji ah with a flower.

"Baby! It's for you"

In a cold voice Ji ah says:"Why are you giving me this? I don't need it and for your kind information I am not your baby so stop calling me baby"

"Don't be like that baby! Take this.I specially hand picked this flowers just for you.It is beautiful just like you."

Ji ah was feeling frustrated by Min.In a rude voice she says:"Stop it! I didn't asked you to give me these flowers.Get out!I am busy.I don't have time for your nonsense"

"Baby! I love you"

Ji Ah's heart aches after hearing this words.In a frustrated voice she says:"I said stop it!"

Min ignores ji Ah's word and in a lovely voice he says:"Baby! You must be tired after working so hard right.Come here I will give you massage"

Min pulls Ji ah close to him and tries to give her massage.Finally Ji ah couldn't control her frustration and bursts out into anger.In a angry voice she says:"What the fuck are you doing? I said I don't want to be together with you but why are you doing all these? I am noticing you from few days.You are trying to get close to jimin and I.You are acting like you care about me when you don't"

Min looks at Ji ah with a puppy eyes and says:"Baby! I care about you"

hearing this Ji ah smiles mockingly and says:"You care about me hum?Okay let's suppose you care about me then where were you when I was in the most painful situation.Where were you when I needed you the most? Where were you during my pregnancy?I needed you but you were nowhere to be seen.Do you know how painful it was for me? You know I am fool.Even after you hurted me so badly I was hoping you to come and search for my whereabouts.I was expecting you to come to me and apologise.But I was fucking stupid.All these years you never ever tried to look for me.Okay I understand you hurted me because there was no way out but what about after that? If you cared and loved me then atleast you would have tried to look for my whereabouts but you never did it.I can still remember the pain I got from my expectation."

Ji ah couldn't control herself by remembering the past and bursts out into tears.With a sob she continues:"Can you believe I was expecting you to come to me even at the time of my delivery?I was in fucking surgery room hoping for you to come to me.I was in pain. I hoped that you will come to me and hold my hand.I was fool to believe that you will come to me and hold my hand and say 'Baby it's okay I am with you' but you were nowhere to be seen.I was hurt.I was fucking hurt."

Min was speechless.He was hurt seeing Ji ah like this but no words were coming out of his mouth to comfort her because it was all because of him.Even during her delivery,ji ah believed that Min will come to her and hold her hand.She was hoping that he will come to her and apologise for everything but six years passed and he never came even a once.Jiah thought he never looked for her but she was wrong.Min was always indirectly looking for her.He didn't went to see her because he was afraid to become weak and run to her.He didn't want to disturb her life and hurt her again.He always read each and every news related to her.He never missed her award ceremony even a once.He was always looking her from far away.

Min hugs Ji ah and says:"Baby! I am really sorry.I wasn't there for you but now I am here for you and I won't leave you again.I will cherish you and our child.Even if the world falls apart,I won't let you two go away from me again.I made mistake but I want to makeup for it.I know I won't be able to make you trust me again but still I want to give my best to make you trust me again.I love you baby!"