Do you still love him?

Ji Ah was so afraid thinking that something will happen to Min.Jimin was grabbing her tightly and shivering in fear.Doctor was going to take Min to operation theater when young and handsome doctor appears.


Seeing the doctor,ji ah becomes surprised:"Hyun!"

That young doctor was non other than Hyun.He got transferred in that hospital in morning.He was going to meet Ji ah at evening but coincidentally he got to meet her at hospital.Hyun also becomes surprised to see Ji Ah's and jimin's condition.Ji ah was all covered in blood and jimin was shivering in fear.As soon as jimin sees Hyun,he immediately rans to him and hugs him tightly:"Uncle!...Sob...sob....uncle..!"

Hyun's heart ached seeing jimin crying like that.He lifts him in his arm and tries to calm him down:"Champ! What happened? Why are you crying?"


"Champ! Stop crying.Don't be afraid! Uncle is here with you now......Sissy!What is this all?"


Hyun becomes surprised after hearing the name of min:"Min?"


"Is this Min?"


Hyun was confused.He looks at min's face.Many things starts to come in his mind.His mind was full of different question.

"Sissy!What is this all? Can you explain me?"

"Hyun! I will explain to you later.First please save min sob...sob.."


Ji ah grabs Hyun's sleeve and looks at him with eyes full of tears.Seeing this Hyun couldn't say no to her.

"Take him to Operation theater and get everything ready.I will operate on him!"

"Okay Dr.lee!"

They takes Min to Operation theater immediately.

"Sissy! I don't know what happened and why are you in this condition? I will talk to you later after operation and I want you to tell me truth"

"Hyun! Please save min"

"I will try my best to save him so stop worrying about him and worry about your son" Hyun gives jimin to Ji ah and says:"Will you calm down? Look at this little child.He is shivering in fear.Calm him down and takecare of him.This is time for you to care about your son but look at you.You have to be strong infront him so stop crying and Make him feel protected!"

Saying this Hyun leaves.Ji ah finally comes to her right sense.Hyun was right.She have to be strong for her child.Ji ah wipes her tears and hugs jimin.Then in a soft voice she says:"Baby! Are you afraid? Don't be afraid! Your mommy is here with you.Nothing will happen to you"

"Mommy! What will happen to uncle Min? Will he be alright?"

"Yes baby! He will be alright so don't worry"

"Mommy! I am scared"

Hearing this Ji Ah's heart sanks.She hugs jimin tightly and says:"Baby! Mommy is here so don't worry.Everything will be alright!"

"Okay mommy!"

After several hours,Min's surgery finally ends.Through out this time,ji ah was worried like hell.Hyun comes out of surgery room and Ji ah hurriedly approaches him.In a panicked voice she asks:"Hyun! How is Min? Is he alright? Nothing went wrong right? He is good right?"

"Sissy! don't worry he is alright.He is safe"

Finally ji Ah breaths a sigh of relief:"Thank god!"

"Where is jimin Sissy?"

"He was tired so I sent him back to apartment!"

"Okay then let's have a talk!"

Ji ah again starts feeling nervous.She nods her head and both of them goes to silent place to have talk.

"Sissy! What is this all about?How did he got shot and why are you the one bringing him to hospital?"

"Hyun! Actually...its..not..that..I...mean"

"Sissy! Stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth.Did you two get together?"

Ji ah immediately denies:"No! It's not that Hyun.We aren't together"

"Then why are you the one bringing to hospital?"

"Hyun! Jimin and I went to amusement park this morning and we were enjoying there but.......................This is what happened"

Ji ah tells Hyun all the things that happened at amusement park.

"Who was that man? And why did he attacked you?"

"I also don't know but I will make sure to get my revenge.He messed up with wrong person"



"Do you still love him?"