Yes I am your father!

Min and Ji Ah smiles nervously.Jimin again repeats his question:"Uncle! Are you my father?"

Min looks at ji ah.He was looking really nervous.In a low voice ji ah says to min:"Why are you looking at me now? Wasn't you the one who was impatient to tell him the truth? Now go ahead and tell him.I won't say anything"

"But ji ah!....." Min looks at ji ah with puppy eyes and says:"Can you please help me?"

"Noway! Tell him yourself!"

"Uncle! Why aren't you answering me?"

Min smiles and says:"Jimin! You know you are really small now.I mean you won't understand anything now.When right time comes you will understand everything but now you won't...."

Min was dragging the things so jimin immediately cuts in:"Uncle! What are trying to say? Can't you just answer my question?"

"I am answering your question right now!....Jimin! Don't overthink okay? I mean after knowing the truth,don't think negatively.I know you won't.There will be so many questions in your heart after knowing the truth but don't worry you will get answers when you grows up...."

Not only jimin,ji ah also gets frustrated.So ji ah says to min:"Aish.....Why are you nagging like old people?Just tell him the truth!"

"Exactly! Uncle Are you my father or not?"

Min gathers his courage and says:"yes! I am your father"

Jimin wasn't surprised to hear this because he already knew the truth.He is really a clever and intelligent child.He wasn't surprised but still he acts to be surprised and says:"What? Uncle! Are you really my father?"

Min nods his head like a child.Jimin looks at ji ah and asks:"Mom! Is uncle telling the truth?"

"Yes baby!"

Min grabs jimin's shoulder and says:"Jimin! I know it will be hard for you to accept this at the beginning but don't worry you will get used to it with a time.I am your father baby."

"Then where were you all these years?"

Hearing this question,ji ah and min becomes dumbfounded.

"I asked where were you all these years? And why didn't you tell me that you are my father all these time?"

Answer of this question wasn't with min.In a stammering voice he says:"Baby!....I...was...I.. "

Ji ah notices min nervousness and difficulty so she immediately cuts in:"Jimin! You father was at special mission."

"What mission mommy?"

"You won't understand it baby even if I tell you.Just understand that its elder people's mission.He was at special mission so he couldn't come to us all these years and now that mission is completed so he is here with us.He didn't tell you the truth earlier because we both wanted to surprise you."

"Really mommy?"

"Yes baby! Will mommy ever lie to you?"


Ji ah pats on jimin's head and says:"Good boy!"

They were having talk when Hyun enters the room to check the condition of min.As soon as jimin sees his uncle,he runs to him in excitement and hugs him tightly.

"Awww...My champ! I missed you"

"I missed you too uncle! I was so afraid yesterday"

"I know my bunny!"

"But uncle yesterday your hug was so warm and it made me calm down!"

Hyun was touched by this little puppy.Hyun kisses him on his cheek and says:"My little puppy is so cute!"


"Yes my bunny?"

"Did you know that uncle min is my father?"

Hearing this question,hyun becomes dumbfounded and he looks at ji ah and min.

"Who told you about it jimin?"

"Mommy and uncle!"

Hyun understands that ji ah and min already got together so he decides to support his sister.

"Yes champ! He is your father.Why wouldn't I know about it? ofcourse! I knew it."

"Ahhh!....I also have father now"

"Champ! Will you go out with mommy for some minutes? I want to have good talk with your father in alone"

"Okay uncle!"

"Sissy! Can you leave us alone for some time?"

Ji ah hesitates because she was afraid that they will get into fight with each other.Hyun understands ji ah hesitation,so he says:"Don't worry! I won't cause you trouble"

"Okay! I will be out with jimin"

They leaves the room leaving min and hyun alone.Min was nervous to face hyun because of past.Anyway he smiles and says:"Its been long time! It's nice to see you again"