Let's live happily!

Mother kang was surprised to hear ji ah.She couldn't believe what she said because min wasn't the type of person who will believe in forgiveness.

"Min! You two should talk first.We will be outside.Call us after you finish talking"

Min nods his head.Ji ah leans close to him and whispers in his ear:"Do as your heart says!"

Then ji ah and jimin leaves both of them alone to have talk.Mother kang still couldn't believe.Min was hesitating and nervous to start conversation.Mother kang was feeling the same.As a result,atmosphere of room becomes really awkward.Mother kang decides to break the awkwardness so she speaks first:"Min! How are you feeling now?"

"I..I..am..recovering well so you don't have to worry!"

"That's a relief than!...."

Min sees mother kang's luggage on the bed so he asks:"Were you packing your things?"

Mother kang smiles and says:"Yes! I will be leaving tomorrow."

Min doesn't reply to her and again atmosphere turns awkward.

After couple of minutes mother kang breaks the silence:"Ahh!....I have something to give to you"

She hurriedly goes to her cupboard and brings something with her.Then she approaches min and gives it to him.It was a stuff toy.With a smile she says:"Its your favourite toy.When you was a child,you couldn't sleep without it.I found this today when I was packing.It reminds me of your sweet version and our beautiful memories.I wish I could go back in times."

Min becomes emotional after seeing the toy.He looks at mother kang with tearful eyes and says:"Can't you stay? Can you not go?"

Mother kang becomes dumbfounded after hearing min.Her mind becomes blank and she thinks that it is a dream because min will never stop her from leaving.He was always cold,rude and firm man who will never forgive anyone who makes mistakes even if it's his own mother.And especially if they made the mistake knowingly.

In a surprised voice,mother kang asks:"What did you say?"

"Can't you just stay? Do you really have to leave?"


Min holds mother king's hand and says:"Can you not leave mom?"

Mother kang was longing to hear the word 'mom' and after so many years,min called him mom.The word 'mom' brings thousands of emotion in mother kang's heart.Her eyes turns red and in a disbelief she says:"What did you just called me?"


Finally mother kang couldn't control herself and bursts out into tears.It was the tear of happiness and longing.Seeing his mom crying,min feels really bad and emotional.Even though she made mistake,even though she hurt him;She is his mom.Mom who gave him birth enduring all the pains,mom who felt luckiest person when he came into this world,mom who endured all pains to see him happy,mom who worked hard to make him successful.How can he hate her? She hurted him not because she didn't love him.It was because of her situation that she was in.She was swayed by her past.She thought he will get hurt just like her.She tried to protect her beloved son but instead ended up hurting him.Noone can understand her pains and worries.It was her way to protect her child but her way was wrong and she realized it really late.

With a sob mother kang says:"Mi..min!...sob...sob...I...I...was...alwa...always...longing...to..hea...hear...this....beautiful


"Mom! I forgive you so can you just stay? I am sorry I was late to come to you.I thought I can stop loving you but I just can't.You are my mom,how can I stop loving you? I always blamed you without realizing my mistakes.I am sorry mom.It was also my fault."

"Mi..min!...why..ar...are...you...say..saying...sorry?..sob...sob...I.. sho..should...be...the...one...apol...apologising...to....you..sob...sob.."

"Mom! Don't say that.It wasn't only your mistake so stop blaming yourself.Ji ah and I are back together again so there is no reason for blaming yourself.Past is past but we can't let our past effect our future.Lets forget it and start a new."


"Mom! let's live happily.Shall we?"