You are going to be a father!

"Wow! Your lovestory is like a movie baby."

"Stop it ji ah!"

"By the way I am really happy for you two.Jung! He is really good man for you.Don't leave him no matter what! I want you two be happy together.You know right that you two are really precious for me?"

"I know!"

"Be happy with him! I love you darling."

"I love you too baby!......Ji ah! I will leave now.I will visit you more often from now on so don't be bother okay?" eun jung winks at ji ah

ji Ah chuckles and says:"Okay darling! Visit me as much as you can.That way I won't be bored anymore."

"Haha okay!...Bye darling!"

"Bye baby!"

Eun Jung leaves the room.Ji ah was really happy for both eun jung and daniel from bottom of her heart.For her,both of them were her precious friends whom she never wants to lose.

After finishing their work,both ji ah and min returns to villa.Ji ah was looking really down.Min cooks dinner for his wife and son.They haves dinner together happily.

"Dad! This soup is really yummy"

"Do you like it?"

"Yes dad!"

Min looks at ji ah and sees her not eating anything.Then he asks to her:"Baby! Why are you not eating anything? Don't you like it?"

"No! Its tasty."

"Then why aren't you eating?"

"I am just not feeling like eating.I am not hungry"

"Are you sick?"

"No! I am fine.I am just tired.You two can have dinner.I will go and take some rest."

Saying this ji ah stands up from her seat and leaves.Ji ah was feeling really dizzy and nauseous from this morning.Soon after she takes some steps,she faints.Seeing this both min and jimin panicks.Min hurriedly runs to ji ah and tries to wake up her.

"Baby! Are you okay? What happened? Ji ah!Wake up!"

Seeing his mom faint infront of hs eyes,jimin panicks and starts to cry:"Mommy!Sob...sob...what...happened?...Mommy!..wake...up!...sob...sob..."

Seeing jimin crying,min gets panicked even more.His heart was literally going to burst.He was really afraid thinking that something will happen to ji ah.

Min tries to calm down jimin:"Jimin! Don't cry.Mom is alright.We will take her to hospital now and she will be alright.So stop crying okay?"

Jimin wipes his tears and stops crying.Min hurriedly boards the car and takes ji ah to hospital.There was no one in the villa to takecare of jimin so he also takes jimin with him.Soon they reaches the hospital and min hurries ji ah to emergency.

"Doctor! Please check my wife.She fainted suddenly"

"Okay! First calm down.I will check her"

Doctor checks the ji ah and asks nurse to do some tests.

"Don't worry! She is alright.Maybe she overworked.It might be the reason.But I can't say anything now.Lets wait for reports"

"Okay doctor!"

After some hours,test reports comes.Doctor checks the result and says to min:"Are you her husband?"

"Why are you asking such a obvious question?Ofcourse I am her husband!"

Doctor chuckles and says:"Congratulations! You are going to be a father"

Min was dumbfounded to hear this.His mind suddenly went blank.He couldn't think anything.This was the first time that he was hearing that he was going to be a father.In jimin's turn he never got to hear it.


"You are going to be a father! Congratulations! She fainted because of exhaustion.She is pregnant and she can't overwork."

Min finally comes to his sense.Many emotions starts to burst in his heart.He couldn't control himself and ends up crying.

"Hey! Why are you crying? I just told you a good news but you are crying."

With a sob min says:""

Seeing his crying tears of happiness,doctor couldn't help himself from admiring him.He smiles and says:"Yes!you are going to be a father.From now on take good care of your wife!"

Min bows to doctor and says:"I...will!!"

"I never saw anyone crying like this after hearing that they are going to be a father.Its new experience for me hahaha!"

Saying this doctor leaves.Jimin was looking at min cluelessly.He didn't know why min was crying or what they were talking about.Without saying anything min hugs jimin and says:"You are going to be a brother!"