
Ji ah and min was really happy.They were really excited to have their second child and jimin was also really excited to have younger sibling.Min and ji ah told about her pregnancy to both of their families.They were really happy for them.Grandfather even cried when he heard about ji ah's pregnancy.He always felt sorry for them so when he saw them happy after so many years,he ended up crying.Mother kang was also happy for both of them.She promised min to come and see her grandchildren.Everything was really going well.Time passed really quickly and ji ah's pregnancy was already in 5month.Her parents even came to live with her just to care about her.Min read many books about pregnancy,searched in Google and watched many video about pregnancy.He did everything he could for ji ah.He didn't let ji ah to do any works and get stressed.He made sure to take ji ah to many new places so that she will be away from stress.He helped her to do light exercise everyday and always cooked nutritious food for her.He even massaged her swollen feets.Ji ah was really happy these days.she was having the best time of her life.

Days passed really quickly and ji ah's pregnancy was already in 9 month.

Present day,

Ji ah was in kitchen to get a cup of water.She didn't wanted to trouble anyone just for a cup of water so she went to kitchen herself.She grabbed a cup of water and was going to drink when suddenly her stomach started to pain really badly.Her pain was so severe that she even dropped the cup.Hearing the sound of ji ah,her parents immediately went to kitchen and saw ji ah in great pain.Her mom immediately called ambulance and took her to hospital.Min was at meeting so ji ah's father informed him.Min left the meeting in middle and hurried to hospital.When he reached the hospital,ji ah was already inside the delivery room to give birth.Min was so nervous that he kept walking fro and back.Seeing this ji ah's mom says:"Min! Don't be nervous.Everything will be fine"

"Okay mom!"

Finally after one hours a nurse comes out of delivery room with a child.She approaches min and says:"Congratulations! Your wife gave birth to a beautiful girl"

Min was the most happiest man in the whole world right now.He was feeling really grateful,lucky and happy to have a beautiful baby girl.Min holds his daughter in his arm for the first Time.It was best feeling ever.

With a tearful eyes min says:"Thank you sister!...How is my wife?"

"She is exhausted from giving birth.She is fine!"

"Thank yo so much!"

Ji ah's mom looks at her granddaughter and says:"she looks just like her mom"

Min smiles and says:"She is really beautiful just like you and ji ah!"

Ji ah's mom chuckles and says:"ofcourse she takes after us!"

After one hours ji ah becomes conscious and finds min beside her holding their daughter in his hand.Seeing this ji ah gives weak smiles and says:"We have one son and one daughter now.I am really happy."

Min smiles with tearful eyes and says:"Baby! She looks just like you."

"Is she beautiful,charming and cute just like me?"

Hearing this min chuckles and says:"Yes she is!"

"Hubby! What do you want to name her?"

"Lets name her Mi ah! Its meaning is brightness.I love this name.My friend rose suggested it to me"

"Okay then we will call her mi ah from now on!"

Min smiles and kisses ji ah's forehead.Then he says:"Baby! Thank you for this precious gift"

Ji ah smiles and says:"Let's live happily with our childs for forever!"

"Let's do it baby!"

Everyone was really happy with the arrival of mi Ah.Mother kang returned from US just to see her granddaughter.Both of the families were really happy.Jimin was really happy to meet his little sister.He will be really good brother to her in future.

After two days,ji ah gets discharged from hospital and returns to villa.Villa was decorated really beautifully with different colours of lightening.Everyone was gathered in the villa to welcome little Ji Ah.Ji ah steps inside the house and gets surprised by her family and friends.



Ji ah was really amazed and happy to see all of them together.Both families and friends were together to welcome them.It was really beautiful surprise.

In a surprised voice ji ah says:"When did you planned it all?"

Jung says:"It was your husband's plan!"

ji ah looks at min and says:"Was it your idea?"

Min smiles and says:"Yes!I thought you will like it"

Ji ah looks at min lovingly and says:"Thank you hubby! I really like this surprise"

"I am glad that you liked it!"

Jung says:"Ji ah! Go and get ready.We will have a party now"

"Really? Okay wait for me!"

"Okay baby!"

min helps ji ah to get changed.Ji ah wears really beautiful dress and she also puts really beautiful cloth to mi Ah.Both mother and daughter was shining.

Min hugs ji ah and says:"Bby! Why are you so beautiful?"

"Because I am your wife!"

Hearing this min chuckles and says:"You really know how to please me!...Now let's go down.Everyone must be waiting for us!"

Ji Ah nods her head and holds min's hand.Min holds his daughter on his arm and three of them goes down.Everyone was so pleased to see them wit their daughter.They were looking really beautiful together.Mother kang asks jimin to join them and she takes their family photo.Everyone starts to enjoy the party.

Everyone was having fun with each other.They were doing barbecue and eating happily in the yard.Ji ah was seeing them from balcony.She was really happy.She wanted to cherish this moment for forever.She was holding her daughter and watching them happily when suddenly she feels warm hands sliding on her waist from behind.She immediately recognise the touch and smiles.

"Baby! Why are you here? Why don't you go down and enjoy?"

"They are looking so happy.For the first time both of our families got together and are enjoying each others company.I am really happy seeing this!"

"I am also happy seeing you happy!"

Min kisses ji ah on her forehead as well as mi ah.They were enjoying the view together when suddenly jimin comes.he approaches them and says:"Why did you leave me alone?You three are having fun but left me!"

Min chuckles and lifts jimin in his arm.Then says:"How can we leave you? You are our heartbeat!"

"Yes baby! How can we have fun without you? Without you our family is incomplete!"

"I love you mom dad!"

"I love you too baby!"

Four them enjoys the view.They were holding their child and cherishing the moment.This the moment ji ah always wants and finally it was becoming true.FInally their family completed but their story still goes on.

[Hi everyone! It's me sunshine.Thank you for everything.I know I was not punctual these days but I had my problems.I always wanted you to provide the chapters in time but never succeeded because of personal problems.It was really hard for me to complete this story but I finally did it and I am happy.i really appreciate the love of readers.They never stopped reading and loving my story even when update was slow.Thank you so much for supporting me in this journey.I love you all.I tried really hard.I am not mature and don't know much about love but still I tried to reach your expectations.If I didn't reached your expectations then sorry.I will try my best next time.And about my next story I am in confusion.Should I write it or not?]