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I open my email, I scroll through few images which my agent as sent me .

The potential girls to be my next sub .

If I would have received the mail previous week ,I would have finished the contract and rided them mercilessly by now

but no one here matches my expectations

because this time I have someone dominate my mind.

Her features captured in mind .

So I send him ,with particular details this time.

My celibacy continues one more week I guess .

This is the longest i have been without anyone.

"There you are "Max pulls me into a quick hug

"You didnt give me another choice " I shrug

I look around the place .

One thing I appreciate Max is ,he keeps his social work or his charities under cover . He can use all these to gain fame ,he's an actor after all but he doesnt .

There is no media or in fact cameras are forbidden .

Which makes me happy , how would have life been without Camera ,social media or all those stuffs .

Maybe peacefull atleast for me .