my phone rings and for a second I feel my nerves hitting
No it's not going to be him .Its been a month since our heavy conversation. He didn't try to reach me again
No , I tell my self
I sigh relieved when i see the name on the screen
"How was the meeting ?"
"Huh , it was good Elijah .We are heading back to the hotel now " I tell him
"Finally five days stay is done .You will be flying tomorrow, coming back home " he teases me
but no place , no people change will help you change something in your heart , you always end up at the starting point again and again
no matter how far you go and how near your to the end
A single thought of him , boom
I'm back to the starting point
Trying to breathe , trying to accept the fact
he isn't here , he's gone
"Anaya ? are you there ?"
"Yeah , tell me "
"Well rest up , good night .I'll pick you up tomorrow from the airport "
"Okay , bye " I cut the call
"Up for drinks ?" I look at Mrs.Gretta