"Hi "
he just stands there staring at me
"I'm sure he wasn't invited " I hear Tina's voice behind
I just look at her and plead not to say anything but who can stop her
his eyes fall on her ,his jaw clenched
"What are you doing here ? Your a sick bastard " she raises her voice
"Tina please " I try to keep my voice loud but it turns out to be a mere whisper
"Stop pleasing me , you know Mr. it's called trespassing and I can call the cops .I'm sure they will be glad to know the future minister is here uninvited "
I close my eyes and trying to calm myself
"Why don't you call the media? I'm sure they will be glad to take your opinion " I hear Edward's voice
stern as ever and cold as possible
"You ..
I cut her off
"Tina please , your not helping here ."I raise my voice
she looks at me disbelieved
"I'll take her out " I hear Elijah's voice
he leads her out towards the door
But not before glaring at Edward