WebNovelBLACK SKY97.58%

Bonus Chapters Edward Mitchell

"Should we really send her to piano classes ?" I ask Anaya as she walks down Ziva in her hands all ready to go to her piano classes

"Yes , we are not having any more conversation on this "

"Go" she pushes me

Ziva laughs as I pout at her mother

"Fine Mrs.Mitchell " I kiss her lips as I go to drop Ziva

I pull my truck infront of the house

back from dropping Ziva

Max comes running towards me

"Eddie " he smiles

"I don't understand why you had to bring the farm next to us if you were going to stay at my house twenty four hours and three sixty five days " I tease him

"Oh come on

we are soul mates remember?" he puts his hands over my shoulder as I shrug at him

"You know what ?" I look at him nodding no

"Everyone are getting married " he pouts dramatically

"Now who got married?" i ask him

i know he wants to tell some news or rumors he has heard

so i cut the chase

"Xavier got married "

I look surprised at him

"What ?"

I ask him