The cold Lioness

When the night grew darker and the lively city started to drift away in sleep, in the 22nd floor of NYC Knight's Corporation a young woman's eyes were searching through the files on her desk. There was no hint of exhaustion on her face rather it showed calmness.

Despite of being sleepy, her assistant Justin Wilson dared not to ask the madam for a break or leave. He looked at his clock anxiously, it was already 2:15 AM. There was a combat going on his mind about whether to go on & knock on the door or not.

After calculating the pros & cons for a while, he slowly stood up from his chair & moved towards the door.

Justin's hands were trembling but he breathed out a few times to remain calm & finally knocked on the door.

An enchanting yet commanding voice came from inside, "come in, Just".

Justin hesitated for a second or two before entering the office. The broad light in the office left no trace of being night in the outside world. Justin waited there, slowly eyeing the desk.There were files scattered but that too seemed like in a proper way.

It's been almost a year since he has been working as an assistant but still Justin would become nervous before Elina.He was impressed by this young woman, who single-handedly not only maintained such a huge company but also kept dragging it to success.

Elina glanced at Justin for once then again her eyes went back to her work . All this while, Justin was so lost that he didn’t even notice her doing so.

Justin's thoughts flowed back to when the first time he walked into this office. The moment his eyes caught sight of her, he was stunned by the beauty in front of him.

The woman in blue office suit was someone even more beautiful than the film stars. Her long black hair was tied into a bun, by the size of the bun it depicted how long her hair was!

Her naturally pink lips complimented the creamy skin she had. Her face had an angelic vibe while her appearance gave off a strong devilish aura.

When for the first time her hazel eyes met Justin's, it made his heart flutter. From that very moment he knew,this woman was someone fearsome yet admirable.

Justin's senses came back to him when he heard a sudden cold tone, " If you are done daydreaming, then perhaps you can tell me why you dared to disturb my work? "

Justin's black eyes dropped to the ground immediately. He struggled to gather proper words which seemed impossible to figure out.But he had to say something, so the next moment he replied, " I,uh, ".

No matter how much he tried to make up a sentence, it just wouldn’t get out of his mouth.

This time Elina stopped what she was doing.She looked directly towards him with a piercing glance while speaking in a harsh tone, " Look, I Don't have all the time in the world to listen to you stuttering. Just tell the words & leave.Or should I assume you don't love this job?"

The threat worked on Justin like a magic trick. As a result,Justin quickly recovered from his nervousness & replied," Madam, It's already 2:15 AM. I was thinking if you wanted a coffee or anything?"

Elina's expression was indifferent and cold as always, Justin felt an inner shiver just by standing there .Elina knew he came here to ask if he could leave but he couldn’t ask it.

One of the reasons she kept Justin as his assistant despite knowing that he had a little crush on her was his dedication & respectfulness.

Not everyone will be respectful to you even if you stand on the peak of success.Ofcourse, they can show respect infront of you due to fear but they will do bitching about you in the back. Justin's dedication to his work & the respect in his eyes were what made him suitable in Elina's eyes.

Because of the silent environment around, Justin started feeling a little uncomfortable. He played with his fingers nervously while looking down .

Elina broke the silence with a sudden cold voice saying, " Bring me a cuppaccino & my car keys. Then you can leave & also inform John that his duty ends. Tell him to leave & pick me up at sharp 6:00 AM. Be back after lunch break tomorrow, I'll have Jessica accompany me till then. "

Justin was stunned when Elina asked him to leave,as if she knew what his actual purpose of entering the office was. Justin thought if he was this transparent.

Elina cleared her throat & Justin knew it was his cue to leave.

Justin hurriedly left the office to bring the cuppaccino. While filling the cup, he informed Gerald that Madam had asked him to leave & texted jessica that she had a shift at tomorrow morning. Multi-tasking was one of Justin's special qualities.

Justin fetched the cup filled with warm cuppaccino & grabbed the car keys from the extended room on his way back.

He again knocked the door & entered the office. Elina wasn’t shocked that he was back in just 7 minutes .It was one of the good qualities of Justin that made him more suitable for being Elina's P.A.

After serving the coffee & greeting Elina, Justin moved towards the door to leave.He felt somehow relieved in his heart. But soon it was crashed when Elina called him abruptly,"Justin"

He immediately froze because she had never called him by his full name upto this date. He turned and looked at her.

Elina was sipping from her cup while she stared back blankly & said, " Have a seat"

It was both weird & scary. Justin took the seat quietly, he couldn’t dare to look back into those captivating eyes.

Elina spoke in an extra cold voice, " Do you know what happens when someone daydreams about me? Or do I need to remind you that the rumours about the previous assistant was true?"

Cold sweats broke on Justin's forehead, as his mind went blank. While sitting on the other side of the table, Elina seemed to read every thought of him. She eyed him him fiercely when she spoke again," You, look at me when I'm talking."

Justin was replaying the so-called rumour in his head.When he joined the office, all the other employees had warned him about it. They said that the boss had reaped one of the eyes of the previous assistant named Lee.

Upto this date, Justin always thought it was just a rumour. But Elina herself, admitted the truth a while ago. Justin gulped while emerging his head. He immediately regretted when he was faced with an ice-cold glare that brought chills down to his spine .

Elina leaned on her chair as she continued, " Look, I like your dedication & enthusiasm for work. And I would really hate it if you had to loose your eyes due to your foolishness." Her face showed no indication of humour when she said the last sentence, it was just blank.

Elina raised one of her eyebrow at Justin,waiting for him to say something. But Justin remained unmoved & dazed. Elina was quite disappointed to be honest but she decided to give him one last chance.

Elina put the cup on the table.She used a bit of more force than needed so the sound would bring back Justin from his lost & shocked state. It worked like a miracle.

Justin trembled a little but then he took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm sorry,Madam. It Won't happen again."

"Leave", the harsh tone Elina used while saying the word, made Justin's heart to break into pieces.

He was already feeling suffocated, so he left the office as fast as he could.

It was not until he got out of the building when he felt a bit calm.The night outside the building somehow felt much more comfortable than the office.

Justin sighed in relief only after he left the office compound. He walked alone on the pavement while thinking, " How could he forget his position?"

Justin mentally slapped himself. He Didn't want to go blind or worse die! He still had to prove himself to the worthless half-brother who had framed him.

He needed to acquire more control over his feelings because if he didn't, the cold lioness seemed prepared to kill him soon.

"Cold Lioness"

Yes, that's what the office staff used to call Elina behind her back. She was the lioness,who ruled her way out everywhere she went.




{This is my first book. you might find some grammatical errors. :') I apologise for it in the beginning }
