I'm A Secret Womanizer

®®® Kevin's POV ®®®

People think of me as a nerd. But they don't know they think what I want them to think.

It's right that I'm a bookworm , I'm ambitious for scoring good in the exam .That's because I'm competitive.

My elder brother has always been good at studies or everything he has done. My dad from the beginning ,won't stop comparing us.

So I decided to play with my strengths & be better than him in academic scoring.

'I don't like girls & I don't talk to girls' obviously it's what people think. But I can't deny it's half true & I have my own secrets..

After spending 20 years together when my mom cheated on my dad , that's when I decided every girl is nothing but a whore in an appearance like fairy.

I'll expose these whores & make them learn a lesson for sure .So I started creating fake accounts , I'm quite good with my words .You can say I'm a charmer. I found I was right about women when I started this hidden judegment.

I date these two faced witches ,get into a relationship with them & expose them .

I know my method is ruthless but that's what these trashes deserve.

For the people around me & people in the university ,I keep a low-profile . I don't talk much. I have limited number of friends.

Of course because of my good physique & innocent looking face ,girls of the university are quite drawn to me but I don't care .After All, they are just toys to be played with . I have lost the hope of finding a pure hearted girl a long ago.

Everyone around me thinks of me as an innocent ,monk soul including my best friend Carter . Carter has been by my side for quite a long time. I don't want him to see the dark side of me ,that's why I kept the fact that 'I'M A SECRET WOMANIZER' away from him.

I knew carter was dating someone ,he is a good soul. I truly hoped that the girl wasn't some cheap whore until Carter showed up asking me a favour by testing the girl's loyalty.

I denied clearly ,of course I wanted to test her.But it isn't appropriate for the personality I portrayed before Carter. I hoped he would try & pursue me .

Seems like God was on my side. Carter clinged on me untill I agreed with his request . He even showed me the pictures of his girlfriend.

The girl wasn't extraordinarily beautiful . She was rather dull looking compared to the glamorous bitches I dated before.

I just hoped that her character would be naive like her face. Afterall, I knew better than anybody how deceiving one's appearance can be.

Carter told me small details about the girl named 'Elina'.Like she loves reading romantic novels , she was a nerd like me etc etc .

I almost forgot about the request Carter made after returning home .Only after competing the assignments ,I finally remembered .

So I grabbed my phone .At first I thought about calling her then I decided to text her instead. She reacted quite differently from the other girls .

I made my guess that she was reading novel based on the info, Carter gave me on her . I praised myself in the heart after finding out how right I was! It was one of the tricks I played on the girls to make them comfortable with me.

I wasn't surprised when she got comfortable & chatted with me like I was her forever known friend . After all, I'm a charmer ?

But suddenly she lost her mind & started assuming me as someone named Chloe.

Was this girl mad? I tried to explain her that I wasn't Chloe & this wasn't any prank from Chloe .

But who was saying who. Before I could type my next message revealing my name, I was shocked when my phone's screen showed her name .

Hell!! This one is seriously a phsyco.

I received the call stopping the urge of laughing out loud.

I kept my voice steady & talked to her .

That's when I decided to keep myself anonymous. I thought her voice would be dull like her face but I was astonished the moment I heard her stuttering ,trembling yet harmonious voice.hmmm, Interesting!

I played via my words with her ,without revealing my identity & cut the call .

Obviously, I knew suspense attracts girls .So I played that trick to lure her into me .

After disconnecting the call ,I laughed like a mad guy . Seems like I would have fun teasing the little girlfriend of my best friend ...

I'll call her tomorrow .Let's give her time to dream & fantasise about the unknown caller ... After anonymously deceiving so many girls ,I didn't have any doubt on my charming ability..