Zake: Trust Me

©©© Elina's POV©©©

After school, Chloe & I rushed back to her house .Zake left with permission early as he had to prepare the venue .

Before leaving Zake suddenly grabbed me when Chloe had gone to washroom .

He dragged me towards the nearest empty classroom .Honestly I was scared as hell.

I looked at him , I was trembling. Zake took one step towards me & I backed one step behind. After the third step , my feet slipped because it was starting of the dias .

But Zake grabbed me .He then looked into my eyes & smiled saying ,"Silly"

I rolled my eyes & got away from him.

He was still smiling. So I snapped my fingers infront of him & asked him ,"Why do you keep calling me that? &Why the hell have you dragged me here?"

Zake calmly sat down in one of the benches & then looked at me toe to head .

"I call you silly ,cause you are silly . 2ndly I have a surprise planned for Chloe. I want you to help me do it," Zake replied looking at me.

I relaxed a bit & said ,"Oh."