I Hate You ,Whore.

©©©Elina's POV©©©

Whaaatt?? What did he just say??? Date????? He wants me to go on a date with him????? Why???

I looked at Kevin like he has asked me to kill someone. I gulped & said,"You..you want to go on a date ..with me??Why?"

"You don't wanna go on a date with me?" Kevin smirked .

"No.. I mean yes ... No .I didn't mean that," I was confused what to say.

The devilish smirk didn't leave Kevin's face when he whispered slowly ,"I'll wait for my princess's answer". Before I could respond he left.

Wait! My princess??? Why is he still flirting??..

Kevin's text personality was kinda cute but his real appearance was quite weird. On the other hand ,Zake's appearance was warm.❤

Zake... I looked up to find him dancing on the dance floor .He looked at me the same time & now was walking towards me.

Zake stood in front of me & smiled .

Now ,why was he smiling?

Suddenly ,Zake sat on his knee & asked me to dance with him . What thee.....