My Wild Cat!

©©©Elina's POV©©©

Ughhh... where's my sleep ... After tossing & turning on the bed for long I remembered about the picture Chloe sent me ..

I grabbed my phone & opened the gallery.. uh... This picture ..... I miss him.... I miss his breath fanning on my ears when I bury myself in his chest...

I miss his embrace ,his fragrance...Hell I miss Zake...

I set the picture as my wallpaper .Just as I was about to turn to the other side to put the phone on side desk ,someone hugged me from behind...

His breath was hitting on my neck .. I smiled.. "How did you get in?" I asked curiously..

"Hmm... window.." Zake replied .. While replying his lips touched my ear a bit & I shivered...

I broke the embrace & turned to face him.. "Seems like someone has much experience getting inside a girl's bedroom through window." I teased him.

"Hmm... I did it once before , today is the second time .." Zake replied.