Too Close yet So Distant

©©©Elina's POV©©©

I looked at Chloe again but she again put up her smiley face & said, "Come in sister-in-law".

I smiled bitterly at her as I went in, the laughter continued. It was coming from the kitchen.. I went in that direction to find a beautiful blonde girl sitting beside Zake, one of her leg was on Zake's lap. They both laughing, Zake didn’t even look at me...

I have got a bad feeling about this. But I explained my heart that Zake loves me,only me.

I put up a smile on my face as I called him," Zake."

He looked at me laughing & his eyes turned bright as he stood up taking steps toward me.

I felt my heart beats returning to me..

Zake came to me & hugged me.I breathed him in feeling much more relaxed.

"Andrea, meet my girl Elina. Elina this is my cousin as well as once upon a time's besty Andrea." Zake introduced us with each other.