The Betrayal

©©©Elina's POV©©©

After thinking for sometime I figured out that there were 2 possibilities ,1.Kevin was gonna propose me .

2. He has gotten someone in his life.

I felt option one not possible .Cause he knows I still love Zake & I can never forget him .Also , I don't think he likes me in that way anymore .I mean after seeing me still roaming over Zake for a whole month ,why would he grow feelings toward me?

Kevin spends these days , going out most of the time & he seems happy.Also I've seen him going out of the house when he gets a call .So, option two seemed to suit more ..

I was really missing Zake ..I took up the landline & decided to give him a call ..

I was praying that he doesn't pick up but somewhere I wanted to hear his voice ...

"Hello, who's this?" He picked up!

Tears left my eyes ... I missed this voice so much ..