BabyGirl, Did You Miss Me?

©©©Elina's POV©©©

We waited at the Airport.. I felt like I was leaving a piece of me behind.. I knew that missing piece was him.

We were waiting, I saw a young couple walking their fingers intertwined with each other.... I couldn’t move my eyes from them..

How good would it be if I could erase last month from my life? & mind?

Mom & I boarded the flight safely.. I took the window seat. I looked down, as the plane rose high leaving Connecticut behind.

After one hour, we reached our destination. Despite of having a house here, mom signed us into a hotel.

She explained that house was on rent.

In the hotel room I was thinking about my miserable fate..

Mom put her hand on my shoulder, I looked at her.

She smiled, there was something in her eyes that I couldn’t understand.

"Honey, will you do something for me?" I felt like mom was in pain.

"Mom, is something wrong?" I asked her as I pulled her beside me.