Let's Try Being Friends.❤

©©©Elina's POV©©©

We just got to our seat when Zaid insisted on going to washroom. I wanted to take him to the lady's washroom but the lady guard didn’t allow it.

Now where'll I find a man? I sigh & then an idea pops into my head, I write a little note & give it to Zaid telling him to give whoever he finds inside.

It's been 10 minutes he has gone inside. Did he fell down? Got hurt maybe?

My heart was getting anxious with every passing minute. I was about the knock out the guards & get in, when Zaid comes out laughing.

I take him in my arms as we return back to our table, "Why are you smiling so much, baby?"

"The untle(Uncle) who hepped (helped) me became my friend." He claps his hands in happiness.

I should've stayed outside & thanked him. My bad! I laugh at his happiness. I wonder what did the guy do to make him this happy!

Soon our meal arrives. I feed Zaid first. Because I can't do the drama before him. So, I'll send him to playground then play my role.