♠Game Of Teasing♠

~~~Zake's POV~~~

I am now with my baby boy at his house, he is making a sandcastle while I am getting him buckets of sand.

After we finished making our castle, Zaid jumps in the air with happiness & I chuckle seeing his enthusiasm.

He points at the castle & says, "Friend, U, mama & me will live there. "

My smile vanishes, Am I giving this little boy too much hope? I don't want to hurt him later.

Zaid shakes my hand, I put up a smile looking at him.

"Let's go inside, Zaid." I caress his hairs.

We go inside together hand in hand. I give Zaid a bubble bath, we laugh like children. Well, he is a child but I feel like a child too while I'm with him.

There's something about him, that attracts me to him. We have our lunch together then I leave. My baby boy gets sad again & I promise to visit too.

In the car, I keep thinking if I'm doing right by making myself a habit for him. Also, making him a habit for me.