Peace Of Revenge

©©©Elina's POV©©©

After Zake leaves, I get dressed properly. I blow dry my hair & comb it. I was smiling, remembering how my days are changing .

I go downstairs, I see Zaid & Zake eating together. I walk to them, smile not leaving my face.

"Everybody has forgotten me." I pout.

Zake laughs while Zaid chirps out, "Mamma."

I make a grumpy face as I say, "Why are you calling me now? You’ve gotten dada & forgotten me. Go keep your dada, I'll keep my oldie."

Zake chuckles hearing my complaints, while Ziad looks confused.

I sit beside oldie & press a kiss on his cheek,"Good morning, oldie. "

" Good morning, Eliana. " Grandpa serves me the some bread.

"Thanks, oldie. " I smile & he smiles back.

I was having the second bread when my phone rings. I pick it up.

"Hello, this is Eliana Kni.." I hear the news & my phone drops from my hand.

Everybody at the dining table turns towards me, I freeze on my spot. Many things running in my mind.

Grandpa budges me & I look at him.